Hero photograph
The Shepherd goes looking for the Lost Sheep
Photo by Dr J Macleod

The Lost Sheep

Dr J Macleod —

Our Chapel Prefects, Penelope Hare and Georgia Wong, led a fabulous Chapel today with the support of the Student Chapel Committee.

Complete with drama, chocolate and a few sheep puns, Penelope and Georgia led an engaging reflection on the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7). Do we really want to be compared to sheep? Aren't there cooler animals? And yet sheep were highly valued in biblical times and leaders were often compared to shepherds. 

The parable reminds us that Jesus cares about each of us. Whether we like it or not, sometimes we are a bit like sheep. Sometimes we do feel a bit lost, or directionless, or alone. Sometimes we don't really think about where we are going. Jesus is always looking for us, willing to lead us back in the right direction, longing to bring us into his community. And, just as in the parable, there is celebration and welcome when we do.