Student speaks for 9 mins 30 in French in class competition!
Hannah Coe is currently the speaking champion of the year 11 class. She spoke uninterrupted for 9 whole minutes in fantastic French for a game of impromptu speaking called Bavarde (Talkative).
The record of 13 minutes 20 is still held by defending champion year 13 student Gemma O'Donnell who is currently our most talkative student in French. Her topic was "what is in your pencil case?"
The game is played in Year 11 by teams competing with each other to speak for as long as possible on a topic drawn at random. A few minutes of preparation time is given while the opposition speaks and the speaker can be assisted by the audience encouraging them with ideas. Points are based on the length of the speaking and double points can be awarded for harder topics. Hannah's topic was "What's your favourite colour?"
She also is a whizz in the kitchen as you can see by the photo of her recent Monday baking. She baked a French style of doughnut - des pets de nonnes - 'Nun's farts'!
The Tuesday before this current lockdown Erica Su baked a beautiful Tarte au citron. Her efforts were much appreciated by all as it was the last time our class would be able to meet in person or to share food for a while.