Mrs P Duthie — Apr 9, 2021

NZQA is asking for community feedback on the new Level 1 subject content to be piloted 2022.

The NCEA Review Board would like to thank those of you who have already provided feedback on the NCEA Level 1 subject content for New Zealand Curriculum (NZC) subjects. Please read the details below to give further feedback:

In response to initial feedback about the survey, some improvements have been made. The options in the online surveys have been adjusted and there is now improved access to the subject content. There is also a video (with sub-titles in English and Te Reo Māori) to explain how the new subject content for each NZC Level 1 subject is presented on the NCEA Education website.

The community is now asked to provide feedback as this will be used to further refine the content before all new NZC Level 1 subjects are fully developed and piloted in 2022.

It is recommended that you review the subject content for the subjects you are interested in on the NCEA Education website before answering the online surveys. Please be aware that in reviewing one subject, you should read all parts of the content - for example, Learning Matrix, Assessment Matrix and the accompanying teaching and learning guidance provided.

Once you have gained an understanding of the subject content on the NCEA Education website, you are now ready to answer the online survey questions.

Feedback can be provided through online surveys until 19 April 2020:

Survey in English

Survey in te reo Māori

You can save your responses at any time and return to the survey later. Once you have finished and are ready to submit your responses, click on ‘Finish’. If you accidentally close the survey before clicking ‘Finish’, your survey response will not be submitted nor recorded and you will need to start again.