Dr J Macleod — Sep 2, 2020

Life needs celebration. We need times when we can enjoy each other’s company, when we can relax and have fun, when we can laugh.

Celebrating also reminds us that there are things to celebrate. We can celebrate a person and who they are and what they mean to us. We can celebrate events and big achievements and little achievements. We can celebrate the different seasons in life and the goodness of having people to celebrate with.

I think sometimes we see the Bible as a serious book – and we do need to consider it thoughtfully. But I think most people underestimate how much celebrating there is in the Bible. God calls people to celebrate at different times of year, to remember past events, to look forward to future events, to get together for special occasions, to get together for ordinary occasions. There’s a celebration every week. Celebrating is an important part of the life of God’s community and this week’s reading (Psalm 100) is just one example.

This weekend, I challenge you to think of something to celebrate: something that’s happened, something your looking forward to, someone you appreciate. And do something fun to acknowledge that.