Hero photograph
Photo by Gretchen Beardmore

Umpire Development Session for ALL Columba Netball Players

Mrs G Beardmore —

Dunedin Netball has offered to run a free umpire educational session for all netball players at Columba College on the morning of Thursday 7th July, onsite in the Marsh Sports Centre (7:15am - 8:15am). We encourage all netball players (Year 7-13) to sign up for this valuable workshop that will cover the basic skills of umpiring and rules of the game.

As has been highlighted in previous newsletter articles, winter sports competitions cannot take place without all schools playing their part in coaching, managing and officiating games during the competitive season. In particular, the Saturday netball competition at the Edgar Centre requires a large number of umpires every week. Dunedin Netball has to allocate personnel for approximately 215 umpiring duties across the course of any given Saturday. To play our part, every school that has teams registered to play must agree to fulfil their obligations of providing 1-2 umpires for their allocated team umpire duties on game day. 

We appreciate that many of our netball players may not be confident to umpire, having had little or no experience officiating a game, so we have teamed up with Dunedin Netball and organised a one-off umpire educational session for any netball player (or non-player) who would like to develop their skills and improve their confidence to umpire.

The workshop has been organised for before school on:

Thursday 7th July 2022 (7:15am - 8:15am) in the Rose Room (classroom upstairs in the Marsh Sports Centre).

The umpiring workshop will run for approximately one hour and will cover basic umpiring rules and will also involve some fun interactive games.

We encourage all netball players to make the most of this opportunity and sign up to attend the session on Thursday morning during the last week of Term 2. As it is a requirement for all players to umpire at some stage during their playing days, why not learn as much as you can and improve your confidence to take control of the court!

If you are interested in learning more about netball umpiring, and/or attending the course on Thursday 7th, please fill in the form by clicking on the link below, and submit your response by Wednesday 29th June;


We look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible!