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Dr Seuss

Lockdown Learning

Mrs E Harris —

Our teachers are committed to maintaining contact with their classes and ensuring that learning continues, albeit in a virtual space.

For Years 0-6, children have been supplied with hard copy 'packs' and teachers will be in contact to organise regular Google Meets. Mrs Hogg and Miss Eason will create a timetable for these so that siblings are not online at the same time and also to ensure that we place limits around the amount of screen time expected for primary-school-aged students. We do, however, think it's important that our students have a chance to check in with their teachers and peers to maintain those important connections.

Junior School parents - there is no necessity for your child to complete everything in their pack before you return to school. For those parents who did not make it into school last Tuesday evening to collect a learning pack, please just get your child to write stories, keep reading books, do some handwriting, practise their basic facts and create some outside physical activities.

For Years 7-13, Lockdown means that we keep to a synchronous timetable as much as is feasible. This worked well for us last year and meant that when we did return to school, we did not see the gaps in learning reported by other schools. In fact, our end-of-year results were as impressive as ever and this was due, in no small part, to the focus and determination displayed by both our teachers and students over the Lockdown period. 

It is worth presenting some reminders about remote learning - what it involves and what is expected from our students. Please see the attached PDF, and read the summary below:

  • From next week, Form Time will also be online. It's important to maintain those social connections and for your Form Teachers to be able to check in with you.
  • Only 'full' subjects are taught. This means core and option subjects. The rule is: if it's on your LER, you need to go to lessons.
  • PE is an exception to the above rule. It's really important to keep moving during Lockdown and our motivating PE teachers are just the ones to help you do that - make sure you go to your PE classes!
  • We do take attendance during Lockdown classes. We will follow up on absences to check for technical issues and to monitor student wellbeing and motivation.
  • Be polite and respectful to your teachers and each other. This means that you should be prompt to the lesson, mute your microphone until you are asked a question and, if possible, have your camera on. It's difficult to teach to a grid of blank tiles!
  • With the exception of ongoing internal assessment work for Years 11-13, there will be no homework set during Lockdown.
  • Use your time wisely! Often your teachers will only meet with you for 10 minutes at the start of the lesson to make contact, answer any questions and set up a task. It is your responsibility to then follow through and complete the task set - resist the urge to check your social media or push on with your Netflix marathon!

Most importantly - stay safe, wear your mask when you leave the house and look after your friends and family. If you can, get out into the garden and get some fresh air and sunshine every day and have a video call with a friend outside of class time. Stay connected and reach out to your Form Teacher, Dean or Dr Macleod if you need to talk. 

Here's hoping we'll all be back on school ground soon!

Mrs Harris