Hero photograph
Photo by Charissa Nicol

Easter Service

Rev C Nicol —

Today's Communion Service was a wonderful way for the school community to celebrate the message of hope and love this Easter. We were thrilled to have our chaplain, Dr Macleod, and Board of Governors Chairperson, Dr Hill, assisting.

The Chapel Committee led us through a multi-media retelling of the Easter story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.  Rev Nicol then explained how, at the time these things happened, the Jewish people were being oppressed by the Romans and many hoped for a promised rescuer or 'messiah'.  Yet Jesus hadn’t come to save them from Rome, he had come to beat the enemies they hadn’t realised they needed saving from—enemies like death and brokenness.  

At dinner with the disciples the night before he died, Jesus took the bread and wine and used them as symbols of his body and blood to help explain what was going to happen to him - that he was going to be betrayed and die.  He asks them to remember him. This is the beginning of the tradition the church calls communion, mass or the Eucharist. It reminds Christians of the significance of what Jesus has done.

The Christian faith sees Easter as powerful and profound good news in the face of a slavery that everyone and everything is caught in.  Easter proclaims that in Jesus' life, death and resurrection the power of death, darkness, evil, brokenness, or whatever you want to call it, is overcome. Jesus shows us that absolutely nothing can separate us from the love of God.

God bless you and all your loved ones these Easter holidays.

May the love of the cross,

May the love of the cross,

the power of the resurrection,

and the presence of the living Christ

be with you always.