Hero photograph
Nativity Dress-Up Suggestions
Photo by Dr J Macleod

Nativity Dress-up Day - Friday 3 December

Dr J Macleod —

To bring some festivity and a Christmas focus into the end of the school year, we are having a Nativity Dress-up Day on Friday 3 December.

Junior and Middle School students (and staff!) are encouraged to come dressed as a character in the biblical Christmas story. You might consider: angels, shepherds, wise people, Mary, Joseph, sheep, camels, a donkey, the star, gold, frankincense and myrrh… You are welcome to give a modern depiction of these characters, e.g. a shepherd wearing gumboots, shorts and a bush-shirt, but we ask you to keep to characters in the biblical Christmas story.

Members of the Junior and Middle Schools will also have a special Christmas Chapel during the school day.

This is not a non-uniform day in the usual sense, but if you choose to bring a koha of non-perishable food items, these will be received gratefully by Presbyterian Support.

For more dress-up ideas, see Matthew 1:18-2:23 or Luke 1-2.