Hero photograph
The Library Poet-Tree
Photo by Ms L Wootton

Library News

Ms L Wootton —

Library Week may not be happening while we're at level 2 but there is still a lot happening in the library.

The Poet-Tree

Celebrating National Poetry Day in the Library with Yr 10s contributing their 'Found Poetry' to the Poet-Tree. Students visiting the library have been invited to make their own found poem by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from old library books and reframing them to make something new.

Paper planes in flight in the Library

Yr 9s helped fold many paper planes in anticipation of Library Week with its airport border theme.

Out On The Shelves Display

The Rainbow Youth group have put together a fabulous 'Out On The Shelves' display to share resources that aim to support rainbow people to find stories that represent their identities in positive and affirming ways.

More bookish displays in the Library

The Library TV provides an excellent platform to showcase new and popular books in the library. These book reviews are on continuous loop and are regularly updated.Thanks Heidi Palmer (Student Librarian) for displaying some interesting old books that were found in a staff members office. There are some beautiful marbling techniques and illustrations to see between their pages. They also show us what Columba Old Girls were reading many years ago.