Hero video
Junior School prize-giving 2022
Video by Mrs E Harris

Junior School prize-giving 2022

Mrs E Harris —

As always, Mrs Hogg put on a polished and engaging celebration of our students' achievements for 2022!

The highlight of the Junior School prize-giving is always the Year 6 presentation which signals a time to celebrate our ākonga as they move from childhood into the wider world. Though many of our girls are simply moving across the road and thus staying within the community, this marks the end of their Columba journey for our Year 6 boys - we will miss each and every one of them!

A huge thanks goes to Mrs Hogg for her stellar organisation, all the Junior School teachers for their support of our students, Ms Hope for all her help in ensuring the event ran smoothly, Mrs Cheyne for accompanying our singing on the piano, and Ms Van der Wal for speaking to us on behalf of the School Board.

For a full list of prizes awarded, please see the attached document.