Ms T Andrews — Apr 5, 2019

We would like to provide you with tools and knowledge on how to keep your children ‘Safe’ in the age of Social Media applications.

Dear Parents/ Caregivers

We all know how impossible it can be to keep on top of and ahead of the ever-changing environment of information technology, especially those relating to Social Media applications. To do this, we are inviting parents/ caregivers to a Safe on Social Media information evening with Kirra Predergast.

Parents Information Evening  - Monday 8 April from 7pm – 8.30pm

If you wish to attend, please click on the following link Safe on Social Media - RSVP to complete the RSVP form as soon as possible. 

Topics covered in the presentation include but are not limited to:

· Using Social Media with awareness

· What you signed up for – we explain terms and conditions of use and what they mean

· Keeping personal information private

· Online stranger danger (grooming)

· Posting and sharing photos

· Child pornography, sexting, sextortion and image based abuse (age appropriate)

· Managing your digital footprint positively

· Curating your online image

· Cyber-bullying, online harassment and how to report it

· Known scams and hoaxes

Kirra is from Brisbane, Australia and is the Director of ‘Safe on Social Media’ Pty Ltd. She has 27 years of experience in the Australian and New Zealand Information Technology industries in Information Security and Business Consulting. Safe on Social Media’s purpose is to educate and support students, teachers, parents and community members about the Law, Information Security, and Privacy when using Social Media. Since 2014 she has presented to more than 300,000 students, teachers and parents at schools across Australia and at countless legal seminars, government and business events, and conferences.

We are also conducting presentations for our Year 3 – Year 13 students during school time. The Intermediate and Senior School sessions will be held on Tuesday 9 April and the Junior School (Year 3-6) sessions will be on Wednesday 10 April.

If you do not wish your child(ren) to attend the information sessions please email Ms Teresa Andrew: with your child’s name and year. Supervised care will be arranged for these students.