Miss C Gardiner — Jul 2, 2020

The year 10 students studying French this term have been learning to talk about in French what they like to watch and read.

We got really good at sharing our opinions by watching the French version of 'The Voice' - <<La plus belle voix>>. Let's just say some contestants could sing and others couldn't so well. 

We also learnt that French people love to read comic books so read a few like 'Tintin' and 'Asterix' in class. 

Finally, as we were working so well, we formed a special French ciné club to decide on what film to show the class at the end of term.

The overall favourite between the two classes was the classic 'Belle & Sebastian 2'. We combined classes and enjoyed watching the story of a young boy and his dog together. Miss Gardiner made popcorn and we shared some snacks together.