Hero photograph
Hugh Walker enjoying dressing up as a beekeeper
Photo by Mrs Hogg

Year 3 and the Honey Bee

Mrs Hogg —

Year 3 have been learning about Life Cycles and Life Processes with a focus on the Honey Bee.

We spent a lovely afternoon learning about the bees from Mr Graham McIlroy. We got to dress up as a bee keeper, hold drone bees, see how they make honey in the hive and taste honey and propolis. It was certainly a very hands on way of learning about these amazing little insects.

HONEY BEES by Gemma Body Year 3

Hardworking insects that collect nectar and pollen.

Over fields they fly buzzing loudly.

Nectar collectors who make honey for everyone everywhere.

Excellent and important insects to our world.

Yearning for a well-earned rest.

Born in a honeycomb cell with strong wax capping.

Every day bees fly out of the hive to collect nectar and pollen.

Every day the queen lays up to 2,500 eggs!

Sensitive to lots of things around them with very good sight and smell.