Hero photograph
Children's book author, Swapna Haddow, visits Columba students during Book Week.
Photo by Dr. A George

Columba College Book Week 2023. What a great week.

Dr. A George —

Although books are for every week, Book Week is the biggest week of the year for the Columba College Library.

We have been busy but it has been lots of fun!

The junior school really helped to make the library pop with colour with some fabulous book art. A big thank you to 01En, 12Co, 3hg, 6Lo and to Claire Wilton for your art and decorating skills. 

Following on from a fantastic dress up day, the Book Quiz for years 7-13 in the library on Tuesday was incredibly popular. We ran out of seats! The quiz was super hard but the literary knowledge of the students shined on the day with four (four!) winning teams as two teams tied for second place. 

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to have a session with internationally renowned children's book author, Swapna Haddow. She talked to years 5-8 about her lifelong love of reading and writing and her path to becoming an author. It was amazing to watch how excited and enthralled the students were and how eager they were to ask questions. I am sure many budding writers were inspired by her. Check out her books if you haven't already. 

It has been really great to see the teamwork and concentration from the students while working on the annual Book Week Murder Mystery. We have a new one this year, the Curious Case of the Clockwork Cleaner, and it seems quite hard. Whodunnit? I don't know! 

Three of the student librarian team (Carys, Violet and Bethan) worked hard to create a scavenger hunt for the year 5 and 6 students to do in the library at lunchtime on Friday. What a great activity! A big thank you to them and all the student librarians who have helped to set up things like Blind Date with a Book, created the poster or helped in many other important ways. Book Week is a team effort and this team has been working hard all term! Well done!

Make sure to check back next week to see who won one of the other competitions running this week. In the meantime, can I suggest curling up with a good book?