Miss Gardiner — Jul 30, 2019

Crepe making, a street art treasure hunt, Kahoot quizzes, pétanque and a game of loup-garou (werewolf) were just some of the activities that got senior students speaking French from 8.30 in the morning to 4.30 in the afternoon last Friday.

Year 12 and 13 students gathered from Columba College, Queen's High and Bayfield High School at the Alliance Francaise building on Bond Street in the city centre. Pegs in place to keep us speaking French (you take a peg off someone if they speak English) we broke into two groups to make chef hats and crepes by following written instructions in French. Upon eating we set off in pairs to complete a street art treasure hunt around Dunedin. 

The victorious team were not only the fastest but also the most accurate in their responses written in French. Our French language assistant ran various games to get everyone speaking and after a lunch of quiche and filled croissants we got serious. Students recorded 3-5 minutes interaction videos of them discussing either the street art they enjoyed or which francophone (French speaking) country they would like to visit. Students have the choice of using this for a NCEA assessment. To wind down we broke into groups to play various games such as pétanque, loup-garou (a game like werewolf or mafia), and for those that could stay around until 4.30 the Alliance Francaise's very own Escape game! 

A big thank you to Kim Cousins and David Moir for hosting the day's event and helping out. It was a great social day that really got us speaking French!