Hero photograph
The Macbeth team wait and they wait and they wait
Photo by Ms I Bercinskas

Sheilah Winn Otago University Shakespeare Festival ~ Macbeth and his eight lucky ghosts a winner

Ms I Bercinskas —

Columba's student-directed 'Macbeth', directed by Year 13 student Penelope Hare, and featuring a cast of 21, won at the Regional Competition last night held at King's and Queen's Performing Arts Centre.

Penelope also took home Best Director and Best Overall Design; this means Columba won three of the top awards. 

The cast is now Wellington bound for the National UOSWSF being held in the Michael Fowler Centre from June 3-7. 

Columba's four other teams also did us proud, especially when Ellery Taylor (Juliet) carried Grace Hill (Romeo) off stage and didn't drop her. 

Well done, everyone! 

Wellington, watch out!