Visual Arts
We have enjoyed another successful year in the Columba Art Department.
Our 2019 Art prefects, Sophie O’Neil and Victoria Williamson, have been a wonderful addition to the Arts whãnau here and have arranged and made Art more visible and interactive at our school.
Art is an activity which is creative, it is another form of thinking and reflecting the world in which we all inhabit. A time in between other subjects in which the students can dream, imagine, make and refine skills to produce beautiful and individual works.
Highlights for this year were:
Term One
Post-it-note competition:
1st E. Lovegrove – Year 10
2nd N. Sirisaowaluk - Year 7
3rd M. Harrex - Year 10
Term Two
Photography exhibition:
Junior section K. Zhang , ‘’Light-house’’
Intermediate K. Beckerville, ‘’Seal’’
Senior section M. Loudon, ‘’Window with rain and shadow’’
Staff section, Ms Riepl ‘’Portrait of staff’’
Overall Winners, P. Phradum, ’Urban Italy’’ and O. Charles, ‘’Italy’’
Term Three
SGCNZ/Adam foundation Shakespeare Static image competition.
A national award. First place was won by Year 12 student S. Wan, whose Design poster beautifully represented the theme of love and loss in contemporary digital form.
Art exhibitions held at the Dunedin Art School and Dunedin Design School for senior High school students this year was a wonderful opportunity to show case the stunning work of our talented senior Art students work in photography, painting and design.
Art for Peace DiriInstitute with the University of Otago.
1st place, Imogene Maclean
2nd place, Samantha Wan
3rd place, Bella Yang
Senior school students who exhibited were;
Celebrate Art
D.Thompson-Fawcett, Z. Close, S. Wan and B. Yang, P. Han
The winner being Sophie O’Neil with her beautiful and delicate water-colour paintings.
Celebrate Design
The year 13 Design students all entered a piece.
The winner of Design was S. Lindsay with her stunning piece of digital design.
Visit to Open night at the Dunedin Art School in August.
A group of Year 12 Art students (C. Busse, J. Cowie, H. Friedlander) visited the Art sShool for an open night to see an inspiring textiles exhibition and have a look around artist studios. They also saw an interesting collaborative project of first year drawing. This was a very inspiring and interesting visit for our students.
Edogawa High school from Tokyo, Term Three
The Art Department always looks forward to the visit of Edogawa students, and this year we are delighted to have had two special students join us in the Year 11 Art classes.
M. Ogasawara and K. Sako are both talented and lovely students who have enjoyed their time making art with us about hybrid cultural-identities.
We hope one day to visit them in Tokyo.
We have enjoyed another fun and creative time in the junior classes making Mãori art paintings and sculptures, still-life paintings and drawings, and developing the skills to observe and draw from life.
The Year 9’s loved making their animal/bird Self-Portraits in Columba uniform; these are adorable and very sweet. The Year 10’s did a fine job of their mixed-media mini-boards which represent Cultural and Technological identity. This is good preparation for NCEA Level One Art.
The Design, Photography and Painting senior students have done us proud and have made beautiful and varied work which represent and reflect life and issues which concern young people today.
We have been very fortunate this year to have our own Ms Dixon take the senior Photography, Ms Dwyer the Year 13 Painting and Ms Steel to take most of the junior classes. They all have skills, experiences and artistic sensibilities which add diversity and energy to the teaching of Art in our department. Ms Ward has also been an invaluable Arts Co-ordinator for us this year.
We would also like to acknowledge and thank our wonderful, positive, enthusiastic and multi-talented Columba College Art students who make our time at work an enjoyable and highly stimulating and satisfying time.
Ms T. Andrew
Acting HOD Visual Arts