Hero photograph
Clara Ballantyne and Zoe McElrea
Photo by Ms K Evans

Scholarship success for the Arts and Humanities

Ms K Evans —

Columba College is celebrating 15 NCEA Scholarships gained in the 2022 examinations

It is always a joy to see those who love their subjects gaining the ultimate academic accolade for all their hard work and passion. Of particular note was Grace Johnston who received three Scholarships. Also, praise is due to those students who managed to gain the highest level of NCEA attainment before Year 13: Clara Ballantyne is outstanding to have achieved a History scholarship in year 11. Elaina Fu gained a scholarship in Year 12 and Zoe McElrea and Skyla Murray both gained an impressive two scholarships at Year 12.  

For senior students reading this, working towards/ gaining NCEA Scholarships before Year 13 usually leads to excellent tertiary scholarship monetary awards for school leavers. It is well worth investing your brain power and interest in your favourite subjects!

Overall, Columba College would like to congratulate the following students on gaining Scholarship in 2022:

Chinese        Elaina Fu 

Classics       Grace Johnston 

                    Samantha Mills 

                    Skyla Murray 

Design         Eri Lovegrove 

Drama          Grace Johnston

English         Jasper Davis  

                    Grace Johnston 

                    Zoe McElrea

                    Sam Mills

Geography   Sophie Bowmar 

History         Clara Ballantyne

                   Helen Li

                   Zoe McElrea

Music          Skyla Murray