International — May 3, 2022

Our commitment is to offer the best quality education we can.

At Columba, the pastoral care of young women has been a priority for over 100 years. And as a signatory of the NZ Ministry of Education’s Code of Practice, no stone is left unturned in ensuring the mental and physical wellbeing of our international girls.

This commitment starts upon arrival when new girls are met and welcomed by the Principal, Mrs Pauline Duthie. Each girl is given a comprehensive handbook explaining all school systems and procedures. Then comes a tour of the campus with opportunities to meet teachers and other students. A buddy is also assigned to new students as part of the induction.

Next the Principal and Deans work out subject choices and timetables, and assists with IT compatibility, explains insurance entitlements, helps with the purchasing of school uniforms, opening a bank account, buying a cell phone of SIM card, and becoming familiar with the city and its facilities through a tour.

During this process, the Principal comes to know each international girl personally, to better effect close evaluation, goal setting and ESOL assistance.

Each girl is given the a dedicated International department cell phone number and through the Principal, help is available 24/7.