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Library News

Ms Wootton —

It’s Spring time in the Library!

Regular weeding keeps the Library fresh and interesting. With Term 3 almost over the Library is now focused on its stocktake for the year and a more robust weed of the old and tatty, out of date, and unpopular books. You may have noticed students bringing home some of these ‘weeds’ that have been culled from the library catalogue. Weeded books are also offered to the Yr9 technology class for up-cycling, and books still in good condition will be offered to the school fair book sale or 2nd hand book stores before finally ending in the re-cycle bins.

Thank you to those families who have generously donated fabulous books this year so far. The Library always welcomes donated items from the school community. If you are weeding your book shelves at home and think the library could use your high-quality and in good condition fiction or non-fiction books (especially popular titles for children and young adults) then please think about gifting them to the school library. They will be most appreciated.

Ngā mihi maioha,

Ms Wootton