Drama 2020-2021

Ms I Bercinskas —

2020 Level 1 Drama ~ new at Columba College

If there is one thing that has tested the axiom the show must go on, it is the COVID-19 epidemic. Level 1 Drama was introduced to Columba College in 2020 and welcomed 28 students. Then, in April, the country went into Level 4 lockdown, and an interactive, physically orientated subject became a series of small online black boxes. With an Internal looming, students not only picked up the challenge, but exceeded the Internal’s requirements by devising, rehearsing, performing and filming online, then uploading and being moderated, all from their own bubbles.

2020 SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival

Although the physical Festival was cancelled, teams were entered virtually. Zoe Revell-Lynch’s The Winter’s Tale was awarded ‘Best Use of Music and Choreography’.

2020 Middle School Drama in the Caroline Freeman Theatre (CFT) and Constance Hall

Year 10 Drama presented three outstanding performances in 2020. The first was a classical performance of Medea by Euripides, edited by Bethan Hughes and Bridgette Sutton. The second and third were showcases of The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie, also edited by Bethan Hughes. A short version was performed at the inaugural Arts Soiree in Constance Hall, featuring extemporaneous acting and a cameo from Dame Christie (Sophie Boyle) herself, whilst the longer version was performed to delighted audiences in the CFT in Term 4.

Year 9 Drama devised and presented entertaining shows to the Junior and Middle School, featuring The Wiggles and other popular children's TV series excerpts.

2021 SGCNZ University of Otago Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival + Ugly Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet

Columba College entered a record five teams into the Otago Regionals held at the Kings and Queens Performing Arts Centre, all student directed. Penelope Hare’s Macbeth placed first and received direct entry into the Nationals in Wellington. Ugly Shakespeare also inspired Drama students with their wacky but wonderful rendition of Romeo and Juliet - performed to a reduced and socially-distanced audience, of course.

2021 Middle School Drama in the Caroline Freeman Theatre and Constance Hall

The two classes of Year 10 Drama presented Antigone by Sophocles, edited by Charlotte Werner, in two different ways. One class presented a modern version, in a gang called ‘Crazy Horse’. The set was a den of iniquity with oversized oil drums, fencing wire, cell phones, dodgy deals and suspect paraphernalia. ‘Crazy Horse’ created an industrial mood through edgy sound and dim lighting. The second class presented a classical performance, resplendent with togas tied according to tradition, plinths, masks, props, ivy, and the application of the correct drama traditions of Greek theatre, including a virtuoso chorus leader. This classical rendition was complemented by the sound of the ocean and dramatic thunder.

The two classes of Year 9 Drama devised and presented physical theatre to the Junior School through a very professional circus-themed show, and a retelling of Cinderella, which included a delightfully bored, Russian boutique owner. The students also devised and rehearsed pieces featuring the Kardashians, Santa in therapy, naughty Christmas ghosts, and Santa meeting his comeuppance at a stately home, which they performed for their peers at the end-of-year Christmas show.