Hero photograph
Winter Uniform
Photo by Kelk Photography

Uniform reminders: clothing, hair and jewellery

Mrs E Harris —

We are very proud of the Columba College uniform and expect all students to uphold the standards expected in terms of appearance.

Please see the attached documents for an easy guide to wearing our uniform well.

In particular, we would appreciate it if you could check: 

  • hem length (mid-calf)
  • sleeve length (on the wrist)
  • buttons
  • regulation, clean footwear
  • tights/socks in good order

Please remember that hair should be a natural colour. Two-tone hair (ombre-style or  streaking in contrasting colours) is not acceptable. Students with hair that contravenes school expectations will be given overnight to remedy the situation and return their hair to a single, unified colour. 

Hair, if longer than the collar, must be tied back of the face. Half-tied back styles are not appropriate. Hair ties must be in Columba colours (dark green or navy) or match the student's natural hair colour. Columba hair ribbon is available for free from the School Office and Columba scrunchies are available to purchase.

Jewellery is not permitted to be worn with school uniform, including sports uniforms. If ears are pierced, in place of earrings, students should wear clear plastic keepers not band-aids. Only one pair of keepers are permitted. Any additional holes should be left empty. Keepers are available for purchase at most pharmacies. Bracelets, necklaces, rings and other piercings are not permitted at all. If a student has a cultural reason for a piece of jewellery (e.g. a crucifix), it can be worn beneath the uniform where it cannot be seen. If in doubt, please check with the Office.

Nail varnish and make-up are also not permitted and students will be asked to remove this immediately.