Hero photograph
Babushka arrives at the stable
Photo by Dr J Macleod

Merry (Midwinter) Christmas

Dr J Macleod —

Penelope Hare and Georgia Wong led a fantastic Chapel based on the Russian retelling of the Christmas story in the book Babushka.

With the hall decorated in a snowy, winter theme and members of the Chapel Committee dressed in Christmas costume, we heard the story of Babushka. Babushka is an older woman who lives alone. She keeps herself busy as there is a hole in her heart. When she hears of the birth of a King, she sets out with a basket of gifts, but on her way she encounters a number of people in need. Her generous heart compels her to give to any in need 'with great love'. As she approaches the stable, she turns to leave. How can she visit the King without a gift? The baby's mother ushers her in and, to Babushka's surprise, all her gifts are there. She discovers that every gift that she gave in love to those in need, she gave to this baby who is King. In the final scene, Babushka is even given the baby to hold. 

Penelope and Georgia followed this with a clip from a sermon by Chalrie Mackesy, author of The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. Olivia Charles led us in prayer and we finished by singing Away in a Manger.

Thank you to Penelope and Georgia, our Chapel Prefects, and the Chapel Committee for a delightful and thought-provoking Chapel.