Hero photograph
Year 10 Drama Cast of 'Trois Bouris Aveugles' (a homage to Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap)
Photo by Ms I Bercinskas

Year 10 Drama ends the year in style

Ms I Bercinskas —

Year 10 Drama presented 'Trois Bouris Aveugles' in Term 4 as part of The Arts Soiree and as their second production ('Medea' by Euripides was the first).

Bethan Hughes edited the version that was devised and performed by the class albeit with quite a bit of input from student directors and the cast (before the shows and even during the shows). The students performed to full houses (Constance Hall and the Caroline Freeman Theatre), and were treated to resounding applause and chocolate. 

Special mention goes to actor-director Laura Sammut, who was a committed member of cast and crew but was unable to perform for the November 27th show. 

Watch the links for a wonderful ten minutes from Act 1 and seven minutes from Act 2.