Hero photograph
Constable Emily Plew has been visiting the school to help teach our students to keep themselves safe
Photo by Mrs C Nicol

Principal's Pinnacles

Mrs C Nicol —

Read on to hear about 'high points' from my week amidst Columba's hive of activity...

As can be expected at this time of year, there have been some awards ceremonies this week: the Arts Awards on Tuesday showcased our outstanding artistic talent; and the Chinese Prize Giving (Confucius Institute) was a display of Chinese culture and a celebration of achievement shared with other local schools. It was a highlight to see the variety and quality of performances at both these events.

The Boarders Leavers' dinner last night really blew me away. The hall was magnificently decorated in what I think is this years' theme colour - PINK - with photos lining the hall on the way in; the food was 'next level' (thanks Michelle); and the video montage produced by the leaving Year 13s was hilarious! The sense of sisterhood was wonderful. I could really feel the aroha the girls have for each other and for the staff - especially Mrs Parks and Mrs Van der Zande.

I braved snow flurries today and was rewarded, firstly, by witnessing the joy of our junior students when their CC Cookies arrived - watch the video and you will understand what I mean!  Later, I met the Year 7's as they arrived back from camp this afternoon. It was a delight to hear tales of abseiling, good food, fun times with friends and driving home through the snow. A bunch of them crowded into my office and I think we set a record for the most people ever on my couch!