Hero photograph

Years 9 - 10 Social

Ms J Armstrong-Homan —

Wednesday 14 April, 6.30pm - 8.30pm in Constance Hall

We are organising a combined Years 9 and 10 social on Wednesday 14 April from 6.30pm - 8.30pm. The Social will be held in Constance Hall and the Years 9 and 10 students from John McGlashan and Otago Boys' High School have also been invited.

In addition to the student organisers, the Years 9 and 10 Form teachers, the Dean and Head of Middle School will be present. Staff representatives from both boys' schools will also attend.

Tickets cost $5.00 and will be available for the girls to purchase from the College Office from Monday 12th April. Cash only, please.

Tickets will only be sold if a caregiver has completed the permission form here by 8 am on Monday, 12th April. Please note, we cannot accept printed copies of this form or handwritten notes.

School Rules apply to this social occasion. The dress code is smart casual. 

Caregivers must personally collect their daughters from the College at 8.30pm.