Biology: Level 3
Qualification - NCEA level 3
Course Outline
During the year students will study:
Animal behaviour and plant responses
A socio-scientific issue
Human Evolution
Homeostasis in animals
Evolution, Human Evolution, and Animal and Plant Behaviour will be assessed by an external examination. Homeostasis in Animals and a research project will be assessed by an internally assessed written report.
Students must also be able to write fluently using the language of Biology since answers may involve detailed explanation and discussion of biological principles. This will require the learning of a substantial amount of specialised vocabulary.
Students will purchase a study manual, which will be used in conjunction with the teaching.
The final number of credits offered is subject to change and will be confirmed at the beginning of the year.
This course is appropriate for students who have passed Level 2 Biology. It should be strongly emphasised that students who enter Level 3 without the Level 2 background place themselves at a considerable disadvantage.
Students should have attempted all three of the external Achievement Standards at Level 2. Alternatively, students may discuss their entry to Biology in Year 13 individually with the HoD of Biology.
Scholarship Standard
Students studying at Level 3 may also wish to enter the special examinations called Scholarship Standard.
These students will need to have a full understanding of Levels 7 and 8 of the Curriculum Document (Levels 2 and 3 NCEA). They will be given extra extension work during the year to provide them with depth and insight into the biological sciences. Scholarship examination papers require a high degree of fluency in English comprehension and essay writing.
Scholarship Criteria
Use biological knowledge and skills to analyse biological situations and integrate ideas.
Scholarship Outstanding Performance
Demonstrate perception and insight in the analysis and integration.