Hero photograph
The Year 6 Class with their email from Dr Bloomfield and their 'Ways to Show Kindness' brainstorms.
Photo by Mrs K Lodge

Kindness Matters

Mrs K Lodge —

The Year 6 Class have been reading 'Wonder' by R J Palacio as our class novel study. We have been focusing on the theme of kindness and the way our actions can impact others.

As part of Wellbeing Week we watched Dr Bloomfield's video messages. These had a big impact on us and tied in perfectly with the things we had focused on during our reading. We emailed Dr Bloomfield to thank him and were pleasantly surprised to receive a reply. We were excited to hear that Dr Bloomfield has also read the book 'Wonder.’ He even gave our school a new book recommendation. Here is the email that we sent to Dr Bloomfield and his reply.

Dear Dr Bloomfield

We are a Year 6 class at Columba College in Dunedin. We would like to thank you for the wonderful message you sent our school as part of Wellbeing Week. Our class has looked up to you as a role model and leader this year and to receive a message from you was very special.

After listening to you talk about health and your own feelings, we had a class discussion on this topic. The main messages we took were that it is ok to not feel ok and that we can do things to help ourselves when we feel this way. We spent the day focusing on this and doing kind things for ourselves and others. We wrote messages and made cards to encourage and thank people. It has been a long term with many changes so we all enjoyed this. Your message had a positive impact on us all.

Our class loves this quote from the book 'Wonder'. "If every person made it a rule that wherever you are, whenever you can, you will try to act a little kinder than is necessary - the world really would be a better place".

Thank you Dr Bloomfield for role modelling the quality of kindness. You are an inspiring leader.

With our support and best wishes.

The Columba College Year 6 Class

Kia ora Kathryn and the Year 6 Class

Thank you very much for your kind email. I really appreciate the feedback and am so pleased to hear that your class had such a great discussion on mental health and wellbeing as well as applying the learning in practical ways.

Thanks also for including that marvellous quote from 'Wonder'. I have three children and our whole family has read the book. It was a great reminder and I will pick it up and use it in my future talks. I see one of my key roles as being an outspoken advocate for kindness.

I've just finished reading a super book "Humankind: A Hopeful History" by Dutch author Rutger Bregman. I highly recommend it - maybe the Columba College library can purchase a copy for older students (and staff!)

Nga mihi nui
