Hero photograph
Photo by Miss Chrystal Gardiner

Planning an outing

Miss C Gardiner —

Year 11 French students had to negotiate and plan an outing for their NCEA level 1 portfolio assessment. They did a fabulous job and had a lot of fun!

Students in the Year 11 French class have been learning to communicate about outings this term. One of the main tasks was to negotiate in French with a partner which activity they wanted to do as well as when, where, who and why. 

Paint-balling was the most popular activity, with the majority convinced it was the most fun activity. Having a picnic was also very popular so we compromised by going paint-balling at the weekend and having a picnic in class time. Students were encouraged to use French during both activities, so there were screams of 'Aïe!' (ouch!) and 'allez!' (go!) on the battlefield.

Back in class on Tuesday, we had our class picnic. We had planned to play our favourite game 'loup garou' (werwolf) but we were interrupted by a fire drill. 

Not to worry, however, this will mean that students will have plenty to talk about in their next assessment - "describe the outing using the past tense". Good luck to all!

Also pictured are our French recipe baking from Hannah O'Neill in week 8 and Heidi Palmer in week 9.