Hero photograph

Fictional Character Dress-up Day

Administration —

Years 1-13 and teachers came to school dressed up as their favourite characters

C. S. Lewis famously said "we read to know we are not alone". To start off Book Week, the whole College joined in a mass dress-up day to celebrate the important role of fiction in offering us a chance to explore worlds, lives and situations other than our own. We wanted to acknowledge that this important act of empathy and imagination extends beyond traditional reading so we welcomed characters from books, films, comics and TV.

Staff and students had a fantastic day - the highlight of which was the special assembly run by our head librarians, Georgia Wong and Hannah Cole. Guest speakers, Tessa Smith and Ms Sarah Entwistle, charmed us by telling their stories of themselves as readers and we were treated to a thrillingly dramatic announcement of a 'Murder in the Library' Cluedo game!

This special day is looking as though it will become one of Columba's most treasured traditions - it's never too early to start planning next year's costume!