Miss Turnbull — Nov 7, 2019

Our annual Sports Awards Evening was held on Thursday 24 October in the Marsh Sports Centre. 2019 has seen an even bigger display of trophies and accolades as we brought all the sporting trophies usually presented at the end of year prize giving to our special event. Congratulations to all who received awards.

This year has proven to be a tremendous one for our students. The girls have excelled not only as athletes but have further displayed incredible talent both on and off the field as coaches and officials within their chosen codes. They are acknowledged for their dedication, commitment and leadership throughout the year and we are proud to celebrate accomplishments by our very talented student athletes. We recognised effort and achievement throughout the school's sporting arena, as well as acknowledging individual success and rewarding the excellence shown by our students at both regional and national levels.

Special awards were also given out on the night including:

Officials Distinction Awards:

Emma McCaughan - Aerobics

Bree Mosley - Netball

The Emma Hunt Cup for Excellence in a Non-School Sport

Hannah Cross - Ice Fernz, NZ Womens Ice Hockey Team 

The Prize for Runner-Up to the Best All-Round Junior Sportswoman

Dual Recipients - Neve Graamans and Louisa Kotkamp 

The Clouston Family Cup for the Best All-Round Junior Sportswoman

Riley Piebenga

The Ireland Cup for Integrity in Sport

Stephanie Smith

Sports Personality Trophy (Voted on by Students)

Meg Sycamore

The Moore Family Trophy for Impact and Leadership

Maia Joseph

S English and S Wood Cup for Commitment and Sportsmanship

Sophie Gaudin

Shona Harvey 'Inspire and Excel' Cup

Meg Sycamore

Sports Council Coach of the Year Award

Miss Dayna Turnbull - Senior A Touch Coach

We were privileged to have an amazing performance by our Columba Aerobics team whom demonstrated a polished routine full of fun and camaraderie. We would like to thank all the parents, coaches, management and staff for their ongoing support. You all play a vital role in shaping the lives of our athletes here at Columba and we are especially lucky with the calibre of volunteers we have involved in our sport.  

A special mention also needs to go to our guest speaker - White Fern cricket teammate and Steel netball player, Kate Heffernan for her insight into life as a dual representative athlete. 

Overall, this evening continues to grow every year, an enjoyable night was had by all and we look forward to what our 2020 awards has planned.