Ms J Lach — May 18, 2022

The Enviro Club has sustained its mission to promote positive solutions to environmental problems.

Our focus for the year has been working on an enquiry around waste management. Members have been considering methods of educating others on recycling and waste reduction, including giving treats (plastic-free of course) to students who have brought waste-free lunches to school.

The senior leaders of Enviro Club met with other Dunedin environment-based groups to learn about some of the challenges and successes that they had faced, in terms of waste minimisation strategies. We brought these learnings back to Columba.

We also investigated other waste management strategies, including composting and worm farms and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of these approaches on our school campus. Our aim is to take what we have learned this year and apply it in 2022.

In addition, the Enviro Club have organised two new raised vegetable gardens to replace the ones that were removed for the new boarding facilities. The space is available to all students wanting to experience growing and harvesting food from seed to plate. Be sure to visit these gardens (on the lawn in front of the library) to see the progress!