Hero photograph
Photo by Mrs E Harris

Matariki Assembly

Miss Lucy Cowie —

Lucy Cowie, as the 2022 Tiakaka Prefect, organised and led a very special Matariki Assembly this week

On Monday, Columba held its very first Matariki assembly which was a great success! It was a privilege to be able to finally gather as a school to celebrate and raise awareness about the Maori new year. The assembly was an opportunity for some of our Maori students to showcase their Te Reo skills, with Lula Joseph and Maddie Flutey delivering impressive karakias and readings alongside Elloise Cameron who sang a fluent Te Reo song beautifully. To top it off, a group of Year 7s put on an entertaining skit narrating the story of Matariki. Overall, the assembly was very successful and we hope to continue similar events in the future to embrace Maori culture at our school!