Miss D Turnbull — Oct 18, 2023

Our annual Sports Awards will be held in the Marsh Sports Centre on Tuesday, 31st October at 7:00pm.

This is an incredibly special event where we celebrate the achievements of our students across all levels and codes within our College.

We will be awarding all sports cups and trophies and honouring our high achievers, while celebrating the growth of sport here at Columba College.

Students will be presented with badges for Coaching, Junior in a Senior Team, Otago Representative, and Umpire/Referee. We will also be presenting several Special Awards and the Sporting Blues.

In addition to this, we have a guest speaker. 

To ensure we have enough seats for everyone, all attendees (students and parents) will need a ticket to gain entrance into the Sports Awards.

Tickets are free and will be available to collect from the school office between Wednesday 18th October – Friday 27th October.

Please ensure you only take tickets for the seats that you require so we are aware of the correct numbers for seating and catering purposes.

Looking forward to seeing you all and celebrating our amazing student athletes’ incredible achievements throughout this sporting year.