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Advance Notice of a Lockdown Drill

Mr S Tagg —

Kia ora e te Whānau

Yesterday we gave our school community advance notice of our intention to conduct a lockdown drill exercise under the guidance and support of Harrison Tew®, an independent company who specialises in emergency management planning for schools throughout New Zealand.

This drill will be run for our Junior, Middle and Senior Schools, as well as for our Boarding House on WEDNESDAY the 24th August.

During the normal school day next Wednesday, Harrison Tew® will offer training and procedural guidance for all students, all school staff and our senior leadership team, culminating in a whole-school lockdown drill during lesson 7 and after dinner at the Boarding House.

Columba College intends to approach this drill with sensitivity and care for all of our students and staff members. We want to get it right and we want to make sure that our entire school community learns positively from it.

Early next week we’ll be sharing more information about the drill and how it will unfold. If you have any questions about it at all, please do not hesitate to contact either myself or the school.

Stewart Tagg

Health & Safety Coordinator