Hero photograph
Midwinter Dawn from Te Whanaupaki/Flagstaff
Photo by Dr J Macleod

One Day at a Time

Dr Macleod —

After more than three weeks in rāhui/lockdown and establishing a temporary ‘new normal’, change is (somewhere) on the horizon.

For most of us, a shift to Level 3 will bring welcome relief with the easing of some restrictions. It may also raise the challenge of navigating a new set of conditions. We may feel that we are trying to juggle the safety of our families, financial matters, workplace obligations, our support of those who rely on us, practical considerations and our own wellbeing.

It is good to remember that we can only live one day at a time!

Jesus told his disciples not to worry about tomorrow – he said that the tasks of each day are enough (Matthew 6:34).

As Chaplain, I would like to remind you that you are of great value to God. We cannot see into the future, we don’t have it all figured out, but God knows what you need. Let us pray:

Sovereign Lord, We pray for our nation and our world. Give our leaders sound advice, great wisdom and the courage to act. We pray especially for the lonely, the elderly, the vulnerable and those facing financial hardship. Please provide us with what we need and lead us in these uncertain times. Amen.