Hero photograph
Christmas gifts boxes are presented to Mrs Jazz Enright and Mrs Jude McCracken of Presbyterian Support
Photo by Dr J Macleod

Christmas gifts to be given through Presbyterian Support

Dr Macleod —

Over the last month, middle-school students and a number of others in the school community have been putting together gifts for those who might not otherwise receive a Christmas present.

These gift boxes were gratefully received by Presbyterian Support. There are many in our community who struggle to buy items that we would consider necessities, such as personal toiletries, let alone finding the funds to give a Christmas gift to their children. All the gifts that we have donated will be given in the Otago region and will make a big difference in the lives of the recipients. 

This year we were able to donate 62 gift boxes and a further 13 gift bags. Thank you very much to the students and staff who contributed to this appeal. Your thoughtfulness and generosity will be a blessing to many.