Te reo Māori

Mr A Moore —


Ms Rose taught Year 0-9 Māori throughout the school. Students at all levels learnt a mihimihi (personal greeting), basic pronunciation of Te Reo, a wide variety of kupu (words) and phrases, and a range of waiata (songs).

Children in the Junior School covered topics such as Classroom Objects, Feelings, Actions and The Body (Te Tinana).

Topics within the Year 7-9 Units included Feelings, Animals, Days and Months, Te Whānau/Family and Kai/Food.

A special aspect of the Year 9 programme is a visit to the local Marae, Araiteuru. On this occasion, the students shared their mihimihi and engaged in a range of interesting activities, which included learning about te ao Māori/the Māori world.

It is lovely to see Māori Language being utilised and supported throughout the school; by teachers in their classrooms, as greetings and farewells in emails and through the use of karakia/prayers in assembly.

At the end of the year we farewelled Ms Rose. We would like to thank her for many years of service teaching te reo Māori with such passion and commitment.


We were pleased to welcome Amber Bridgman, who joined us in Term 2, to teach te reo Māori to junior and middle school students.

Ms Bridgman was able to continue teaching te reo Māori to junior and middle school classes, picking up from where Ms Rose left off. The students had an introductory unit, which included activities such as writing and presenting a mihi, pronunciation of te reo, and learning basic vocabulary and sentences relating to kai/food.

The students were introduced to many new kupu (words), waiata (songs) and sentence structures through games and interactive exercises.