Hero video
Columba Chapel – Friday 17 September 2021
Video by Jennifer Macleod

Te Taonga O Tārore

Dr J Macleod —

Some of you may be familiar with the story of Tārore. She had a copy of the gospel of Luke, written in te reo, which she kept in a small kete around her neck.

One day, when the mission school was moving to Tauranga, a raiding party attacked. Everyone else escaped, but Tārore was killed. The raiders, recognising a taonga, took it as they fled.

The warrior who killed Tārore read the book – and he read Jesus’ words calling people to love their enemies and to forgive. At the risk of his own life, he went back to Ngākuku, Tārore’s father, to ask for forgiveness. They were reconciled. Jesus’ message of peace spread further, and on to the South Island.

The courage and forgiveness demonstrated by the Te Arawa warrior and Ngākuku is remarkable. I find this story inspiring. I also find it challenging – I don’t think I always take Jesus’ words as seriously as these men did.

I want to be the kind of person who helps to bring peace. I pray for world events, but the real challenge, for me, is to forgive the people who impact on my daily life. The good news is that we don’t have to do this on our own. This is why Jesus came to help us.