Ms Togneri — Dec 6, 2019

Millie O'Neill (Year 11) has received the honour of having her first poem published and we congratulate her.

An online magazine, 'Corpus', edited by Professor Barbara Brookes and Sue Wootton features the poem 'Circles' by Millie. I encourage you to follow the link below to read the intimate piece of prose, also by Millie, that accompanies her poem.


Life is an endless series of circles
And the cylindrical tube laughs in my face with the irony
Circles, like the way I always come into class, lay my books down
Circles that seem pointless because of that cylinder
Five litres they say
Five litres of poison to the man who birthed this infinite venn diagram of circles
My being
Five litres of poison
Through this cylindrical tube
Five litres to fight the bad cells
Five litres to also kill the good ones
That under the microscope look like uneven circles
I try and try and try again to break the pattern into maybe a triangle or a hexagon
But it always comes back to that dreaded prison of a shape
That looks so simple and appeasing
But weaves us into its complex painful nature
I wonder if a circle
Can be broken by this tear

Millie O'Neill