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Day One of Lockdown for Year 7

Mrs Cheyne —

Thursday and Friday’s classes this week for Year 7 English were designed to ensure that everyone could access the various parts of technology we would use in the coming weeks.

We trialled a google form for fun – admittedly with one class much earlier in the day than the other!

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

On Day 1 of the lockdown, I am feeling _______________ about my school work:

On a scale of 1-10 (1 being “a bit scared” to 10 being “This is going to be great fun”), 91% of year 7 indicated a 5 or more.

Question 4:

I am feeling _________________ about the lockdown:

On a scale of 1-5 (1 being “worried” to 5 being “a bit excited, actually”), 84% of Year 7 gave a score of 3 or more.

And .. the final question:

Update – Friday morning:

I just asked Year 7 what exercise they did yesterday in an app called “answergarden”:

Not sure that Netflix and cooking constitute “exercise” somehow!!

However, Year 7 is ready to face online learning – it’s going to be exciting!