Hero photograph
Photo by Dr J Macleod

From Darkness to Light

Dr J Macleod —

Despite our preference for focusing on the positive, the season of Lent is a time when we remember that not all is right in the world. We see evidence of darkness in international events, in situations around us and, if we are honest, we might recognise that we don’t have it all sorted either.

In Chapel, we have been looking at the light that Jesus offered to those around him through generosity, healing, grace, forgiveness, truth and the challenge to live differently. His gifts were not always welcomed and, as he travelled towards Jerusalem, opposition against him mounted.

Today, assisted by the prefects, we saw a brief dramatisation of the events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday (Luke 23-24). Amidst betrayal and injustice, brutality and death, there were a few who glimpsed the true nature of what was happening: a criminal, a centurion, a wealthy man and a small group of women. 

Jesus himself prayed for the forgiveness of those who executed him (Luke 23:34).

The events of Easter demonstrate that the darkness does not win. Forgiveness is offered to all humanity. Light is greater than darkness. God’s love is more powerful than death.