
Miss M Loudon —

Basketball at Columba did exceptionally well this year with a total of eight teams (five junior and three senior) representing the school on Friday nights. It's always great to see representation across all age groups.

We would like to thank the referees and officials, from Columba, who dedicated their time throughout the season, for the benefit of the sport. Also, a huge thank you to the organisers, coaches and managers who gave their time to support the teams. It couldn’t have happened without you!

A lot of the social teams were unable to finish their season due to COVID. Nevertheless, they played with grace, good discipline and sportsmanship.

The Yr 7 and 8 teams had a number of players who had never played before. They had an amazing season and made great progress learning and developing new skills. The 8A team managed to make the playoffs for 3rd and 4th, improving more and more each game.

The Senior A team, although nursing a number of injuries, managed to make the playoffs for 3rd and 4th. Unfortunately, though, the playoffs were cancelled due to COVID. A huge thank you to Greg Brockbank, for coaching the team this year.

The Junior A team had a hugely successful season. They won the Otago Junior Girls Final, 60-35, against strong competition from Queens High School. Although, also plagued by injury, Columba came into the final unbeaten and were the reigning champs from the previous season. Prior to that, the last time Columba had won the final was in 2006, so a huge congratulations to the team. Thank you to Paul Morrison and Brett Dailey for their time and dedication throughout the season.

The Junior A team had also intended to travel to Nelson for the South Island Secondary Schools Netball Tournament, but sadly the tournament was cancelled due to COVID.

Otago Representatives:

U19: Madi Loudon.

U17: Kayla Smith.

U15: Amelia Loudon, Ryan Dailey, Millie MacKenzie, Lucy Morrison, Alexa Duff, Charli Sinclair.