SADD Team — Dec 9, 2019

In 2019, our Columba SADD Committee orchestrated a variety of activities within our school to encourage safe driving within our community.

With the age group most at risk of being in a car accident being ages 15-20 year olds, we were determined to stress to our peers the importance of how to be more cautious on the road.

In Term 1, our Year 12 leaders attended the annual South Island conference, this year held in Christchurch, where they learned leadership skills and how to implement them in encouraging road safety within our school. It is with this knowledge and passion for the cause that our committee were able to carry out activities each term, beginning with drawing chalk outlines and phrases around the school to raise awareness about the consequences of dangerous driving.

We also involved the intermediate students by setting up a Post-It note wall where they listed what they would miss if they were to be in a car accident and expressed gratitude for what they had in their lives. During Safer September - the official SADD month - our team enjoyed placing fake infringement notices on Columba students' cars with information on the legal consequences of breaking the law whilst driving.

For the first time, we also set up a road corner simulation on a busy corner of our school with bright tape on the ground to create two opposing lanes. With caution tape and 'keep left' signs, the school actively participated in staying in the correct lane, which not only let the students practice their fundamental road rules but also reduced the traffic and collisions when walking around this blind corner!

With the help of the Dunedin Police, we were able to also run an obstacle course for our peers with drunk-simulation goggles to emphasise the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol. The school also showed their Columba spirit watching the annual SADD prefect netball against the John McGlashan prefects (which Columba won!) where the audience engaged in a SADD quiz between quarters and won prizes from our sponsors.

Overall, we had a very successful year in raising awareness about road safety in our school and it is clear that not only does the SADD team enjoy implementing these activities, but the Columba students also enjoy participating in them, which creates a positive environment for progressive change in our community.

We would like to thank The Body Shop and Pita Pit for being our sponsors this year and making our Safer September activities possible.

Sennah Lee, Georgia Ramsay, Ella McCall, Cheyenne Flockton, Holly Friedlander, Ashleigh McDonald, Emily Peacock, Molly Woodham