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Al Huda Mosque

Assembly Speech

Miss H Taha —

Hanin Taha's speech to last Monday's assembly

Assalamualaikum, ‘Peace be upon you.’ This is how we Muslims greet each other whenever we meet. When someone asked our Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam what the best thing in Islam was, he replied: “Feeding others and giving the greeting of salaam (peace) to those whom you know and those whom you do not know.” 

I have always greeted my fellow Muslims in this way. I’ve learnt to do it since I was very young and every time I say these words or hear someone greet me this way, I feel a deep warmth in my heart because I know that someone is wishing something good upon me. Islam is a religion full of love, peace and forgiveness. All of the qualities that I value as a person. A true Muslim doesn’t like to hold grudges against anyone, nor do they wish any harm upon anybody. 

A woman who wears the Hijab does not wear it to symbolise hate or terrorism. She wears it because it’s a feeling of identity and security. It’s a feeling of security as she knows that when God told her that she should cover, he told her out of love and because he wants to protect her. Covering is our choice. We are free to wear or not to wear it and it is not a symbol of oppression. 

When I wear the Hijab to Sunday School every week, I’m not scared of what people think or do, I feel safe and loved and that I proudly represent a religion of peace. It also makes me confident as it reflects my identity and soul rather than my looks, (not saying that doing the opposite is a bad thing). 

So, the message I want to send to everyone here today is that it doesn’t matter to us where you are from, what you look like or what you believe in, to us, you are like a brother or sister and on behalf of all the Muslims, I would like to thank everyone for their love and support after the horrifying events that occured in Christchurch on 15 March. You truly made us feel like we belong and that we’re one big family. Thank you.