Hero photograph
Photo by Dayna Turnbull

Otago Primary Triathlon

Miss D Turnbull —

Yesterday 25 students with plenty of parent support travelled through to Balclutha for the annual Otago Primary School Triathlon after qualifying from the Dunedin event earlier in the year.

A beautiful day down South, the sun was shining, wind had settled and the ground began crawling with students between Year 5-8 from schools all over the region. 

Columba College had 8 teams competing and 1 individual athlete. Fantastic results were gained and everyone worked hard, doing the best they could in each leg. It began with the run - 2km for year 5/6 and 3km for year 7/8. This course proved extremely hard, trudging through thick long grass, up a hill, along a boggy flood-bank and back through the soft greenery. The runner then found their bikers, completed the transition with a high five and off the bikers raced to the start of their track. This was a very short and windy 1km loop along the road with many sharp turns and clogged corners. Year 5/6 had to do 6 laps whereas Year 7/8 completed 8 before returning to the chaotic bike space where they racked their bikes and tagged the swimmers for the final part of the triathlon. Our water gurus dove in the pool and completed their laps with any stroke they wished. Many began with freestyle before flipping into backstroke for a quick breather and changing back to hit the wall and stop the time. Year 5/6 swam 4 lengths and year 7/8 the full 6 laps, slipping the rope at each end and zig zagging the full 150m. 

Overall Columba displayed amazing camaraderie, teamwork and positive attitudes throughout. Incredible results were gained and fun was had by all who attended. 

Massive thank you to our parent helpers for all the support and congratulations to all students who took part - you represented Columba with grace and did our school, your families and each other proud... WELL DONE!