Hero photograph
Prefects 2022
Photo by Emma Harris

2022 Prefect announcement

Mrs E Harris —

The 2022 Prefect team came in to school to meet with Mrs Harris on Monday.

We had a short 'Prefects 101' induction session discussing the demands of prefect life and how the students need to work together to create a cohesive team. It was the first time that the incoming Prefects gathered together as a team and we took the opportunity to snap some photographs for posterity.

Congratulations on your appointments! The Senior Leadership Team is looking forward to working with you next year and seeing your leadership skills in action.

Roles are as follows:

Head Prefect - Helen Li

Deputy Head Prefect - Lily Ferro

Deputy Head Prefect - Riley Piebenga

Academic Prefect - Sophie Bowmar

Arts Prefect - Grace Johnston

Arts Prefect - Melissa Van der Haegen

Braemar Prefect - Jasmine Lobo Linwood

Chapel Prefect - Elyse Davey

Chapel Prefect - Emma McDonald

Community Prefect - Rosie Davison

Girton Prefect - Kirsten Carey

Head of Boarding Prefect - Annabelle Hurst

Iona Prefect - Mia Stout

Junior School Prefect - Kate Henton

Middle School Prefect - Hannah Cole

Solway Prefect - Alisha Horne

Sports Prefect - Jaime Reid

Sports Prefect - Jo O'Halloran

Tiakaka Prefect - Lucy Cowie