Mrs Parks — Feb 5, 2018

Boarders are now back in the House and settling into routine after successfully finishing their first week of school.

Last Sunday on a gloriously sunny afternoon, Mrs Hayes, Dr Macleod, our Year 13 boarders and I welcomed our Year 9 boarders to the House followed by a BBQ tea. The BBQ was a much appreciated opportunity to get to know parents whom we look forward to catching up with again as the year progresses.

Our new boarders have had a busy week outside school time with several trips to the Sports Centre for dodge ball, swimming at Moana Pool, a game of touch rugby at Bishopscourt and excursions to check out the “dairy in the dip” and cafes at Roslyn. Over the weekend they had sport and an orientation bus trip around Dunedin that included a visit to the beach. Waitangi Day too was a full-on day with the inaugural Waitangi Games being hosted by John McGlashan College – a quad tournament that will run annually on Waitangi Day between the Year 9 and 10 boarders of the four boarding schools in Dunedin.

All this activity has been organised and supported by the Year 13 boarders whose effort to date has been exemplary. A couple of times I would have liked to capture the moment some how to send to their families; you would be very proud!

Other year groups are settling well and getting back into the routines of boarding school including signing up for the many sporting and music opportunities on offer which get underway next week.

The team in the House this year includes our new Chaplain – Dr Jennifer Macleod. Dr Macleod’s office is accessed via the main entrance into Bishopscourt which is now open each week day. We are all enjoying her presence and cherish her guidance.

I am fortunate in that I have a talented team of staff around me to care for our boarding students who support the girls to ensure they can make the most of the vast opportunity available here at Columba College.

We look forward to a successful year ahead.

Mrs Marianne Parks

Interim Boarding Manager