Administration — Sep 9, 2019

Positive comments received so far: "It's so easy to use". "Reporting an absence is really quick and easy". "Great to have everything in one place".

We have received really positive feedback regarding our Columba College School App.  Have you downloaded it yet? If not, do it now - you are missing out! 

Some of the benefits of the App and what you will find on it are listed below: 

Absences - on the click of a button, you can email the Office regarding an absence or appointment time - it's so quick and easy. The App remembers all your details so all you need to change each time is the reason for the absence.

Contacts - you can find all staff member email addresses here.

Links - This is where you will find our weekly Boarding House and Canteen menus as well as any sign-up documents or attachments relating to the Daily Notices.

Calendar - Keep up to date with what's happening via our School Calendar.

Newsletter - If you have missed the link to the weekly newsletter or want to go back and read something from an earlier edition - this is the best place to look!

Daily Notices - Click here to keep up to date with our daily notices.

Portal - This button will take you straight through to the Parent Portal. Type in your username and password to view student details.

Alerts - This is where all important/urgent messages will be stored.

Remember we have 2 apps: Columba College and Columba College Co-curricular.

See below for more details.

Please watch the video tutorial which will help explain how you download and begin using your apps - you tube tutorial

To download the app click on each link from your phone -

Columba College School app


Columba College Co-curricular app

or go into the App store on your Apple or Android device and search 'SchoolAppsNZ' to download the app onto your device. Then search 'Columba College School' or 'Columba College Co-curricular' to find the school's app.