Hero photograph
Calling all auction items please!
Photo by Gretchen Beardmore

Auction Items PLEASE!

Mrs G Beardmore —

We are still in need of some quality auction prizes for our major fundraiser, the Columba College Golf Tournament coming up on the 11th September 2020.

If you know of anything that you, your business, or the wider Columba Community could offer in the way of auction prizes for our annual Golf Tournament, we would be hugely appreciative! Each year, this major fundraiser brings in much needed funds for our Sports Programme at Columba College, and benefits students right across the school, not just those involved in our top teams and sporting codes. 

To make the golf tournament successful in this already uncertain year, we are seeking further products or services that could be auctioned off on the day (Friday 11th September, 2020). Art, sporting memorabilia, holiday/tour packages, local Dunedin experiences, restaurant vouchers......anything that you feel may appeal to our generous bidders. We would be very thankful and would love to hear from you!

Please contact our Director of Sport, Dayna Turnbull;

(​dturnbull@columbacollege.school.nz​ or 027 344 7904).